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#SID2020: Five minor and one major tip for computer security

Cyber security is a constant challenge. It is a complex and sometimes confusing issue. For today's Safer Internet Day 2020, we provide a selection of simple tips for safer computer use.

With the motto "Together for a better Internet", the international Safer Internet Day is held on 11 February. The European Commission's Safer Internet Day initiative is aimed at children and young people. Yet adults are also permanently exposed to risks. The multitude of constantly changing hazards may even provoke resignation. This means that the users themselves sometimes represent the greatest safety risk due to their behaviour. However, those who are aware of the core problems can avoid most dangerous situations. 

Five tips for more safety

  1. Do not allow unauthorized persons to access your computer: Lock your screen as soon as you leave your computer. Also set up your computer so that it automatically locks itself after a short period of inactivity. It's easy to forget: Shut down the PC after you have finished your work.
  2. Never save passwords in the browser.
  3. Do not use USB sticks. Malicious code may be around on other people's storage devices, left there either unconsciously or intentionally. For example, certain autorun files on older Windows computers start automatically and can cause great damage.
  4. Beware of phishing: look for TLS/SSL certificates in the browser and check them. Supplier portals, online stores or payment services such as PayPal never ask for access data by e-mail. Delete mails that ask for them immediately.
  5. Configure your e-mail program so that it does not automatically load images. Always be careful with attachments: Even supposed internal senders can be fake!

The most effective protection

The best way to increase safety is awareness. Make sure that you as well as your employees navigate the digital world with open eyes. To this end, conduct awareness training at regular intervals. Three suggestions:

  1. Don't limit yourself to business, but also tell your employees what they need to be aware of in their private lives. Only those who develop a comprehensive awareness of cyber security will remain secure in the long term.
  2. Let them experience it: Illustrate common mistakes. For example, send the participants a phishing e-mail that was specially created for this purpose some time before the training. Discuss why the participants thought your e-mail was (or was not) suspicious.
  3. Most importantly: Do not expose anyone. An anonymous statistic of how many were taken in is more effective.

Training opportunities

aspectra provides the infrastructure to protect your data according to the highest standards.

Security by aspectra