COMPUTE The right environment for every IT project


We work with you to determine the right environment for your applications and deliver it as needed, including infrastructure - physical or as a service.

Whether dedicated physical servers or Virtual Machines , whether Private Cloud, hybrid cloud solutions or containers with OpenShift - at aspectra you will find the right environment for your use case.

In close cooperation with you, our experienced team designs an individual IT environment for each application. In a solution workshop, our engineers work with you to develop the appropriate system architecture and implementation plan.

Our multi-stage approach involves setting up the server/network/backup/operating system in several phases. You get to sign off each stage of the implementation as we go.


You benefit from our extensive knowledge and experience, from project inception through to ongoing operation.

In Swiss hands

aspectra carries the quality label Swiss Digital Services. This stands for first-class Swiss ICT services and values such as independence, reliability, and integrity.

Hand over the responsibility but keep the control

We assume responsibility for the operation of your applications. Talk to us about your requirements and send us your specifications. We are happy to offer you a suitable service package.
