the aspectra blog IT know-how & more, since 2012

Welcome Russell!

Unser neuer Berufslernende im Serverraum | © aspectra AG

Russell Mirano has been training at aspectra since 5 August 2024 to become a computer technician EFZ specialising in platform development.

Our youngest apprentice completed the ICT basic training year of the ZLI Zürcher Lehrbetriebsverband ICT) last year and aspectra took over his apprenticeship contract from the 2nd year of training. To this end, aspectra had previously signed a takeover agreement with the ZLI.

In the past, the ZLI has taken on a certain number of apprentices each year in order to place them in training companies after their first year of training. This option will no longer be available in the future: the training company is the contractual partner from the start of the apprenticeship. The ZLI now offers a placement service:

Russell has already gained a lot of experience in his first three months and has made himself useful. aspectra is looking forward to an exciting time together and wishes him every success!